Awesome Room 4 in the Life Education Caravan.

Awesome Room 4 in the Life Education Caravan.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Week 8

Rhys' elmer from last week.
What a great week we have had. It is lovely to have Miss Thoresen in our room for the next couple of weeks. She is from Palmerston North Teachers college and is on a placement in our room.

The weeks are flying past so quickly - this past week our for our focus of 'You, Me, We" we all walked around the school, looking at the teachers and Staff , identifying where they can usually be found. The writing that we produced about this is awesome. The children were each given a different staff member to write about and the information they provided about them is fabulous. These are up on our wall. eg "Steph issues our books in the library" Samuel. "Mr Turfrey is special because he sits on the white seats at lunch time," Danika.

Our footprint creatures.
  On Friday we produced some amazing freestyle art using our foot print. The intruction was to make a creature by tracing around your foot first, then use your imagination. The results were so original.

J.E.T had an interesting challenge this week - to create a kite that could fly. Blake discovered a way to control the string. William and I researched the name of this device, a reel containing the flying line.

Misaki's Elmer, from last week.

Next week we have our walk around Taradale. Thank you we have all permission slips returned. If you offered to come with us thank you. We will be leaving school at 9.30, returning by 11.45ish.

Our sound of the week is "Bb" with our word being "with."  The maths focus is still ordering a range of numbers. Some groups will look at numbers to 100, with others looking at numbers to 1000.
Have a great week.
Blakes kite with the reel and flying line.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's great to see that you are all having great fun and learning at the same time room 4. Keep up the amazing work!!
